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Just Believe...

Your connection with your story is a deeply personal, spiritual, emotional, and life-changing experience

that will transform your life. You have the power to create your own legend.

Every extraordinary story begins with, I believe I can...

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My Story

Honestly, I’m just a girl from Detroit by way of Mississippi who loves to write juicy stories that make you stay up all night flipping pages. Between you and me, my leading ladies are really my alter egos peeking over the pages drawing you into their crazy world. Being an author is not just about writing colorful anecdotes or selling books; It’s painting vivid, intricately woven pictures that engulf the reader. 


As a storyteller, my mission is to take you on a journey far beyond your imagination. One of the greatest rewards of being a writer is bringing joy to people’s lives through writing. I love meeting readers and developing long-lasting relationships. While attending a book club meeting, one of the club members informed me that she missed a day of work to finish reading “The Green-Eyed Butterfly.” Such amazing testimonies from my readers inspire me to create without limits. 


I love to write and allow my characters to tell me what they want to say. When people ask me to classify my writing in a particular genre, I simply say, “I’m just a storyteller.”



Readers frequently ask if my strong female characters are my alter egos. I confess, there is a bit of myself in the badass women I write about. In my mind, I'm savage. I'm too claustrophobic to go to jail in real life, and I'm afraid of Hell. So, I just live through my characters. I'm just grateful my characters chose me to tell their story. 


© 2021 by Storytellher Lane Media, LLC

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